Me and my ME
I'm a poet and science fiction writer who practices mindfulness meditation. As someone who has lived with the chronic illness ME / CFS* for over 30 years, I hope to share some of my experience of fostering resilience while becoming more ill and less able-bodied over the years. I wanted to start a membership website to share my experience and nurture community among members.
I'll share ideas for how to access resources, stay fed when struggling to get out of bed, recipes and ideas on how to support our bodies with nutrient dense foods, and ways to make disabled life a little bit easier. Since 2022, I've lived in a van. I'll talk about my process, how I find it easier to live in a tiny space with a disability, and share updates on how the van and my personal journey are going.
I aspire to create a nourishing place on the internet where you'll want to come to rest, read stories, enjoy photos, and find solace in community. I hope you'll join us.
People who aren't able-bodied are considered less valuable in a capitalist economy. Because I am severely disabled I've been living in poverty for many years. If you see value in what I am doing, I hope you'll consider helping me with a regular monthly contribution if you can, even a small one. My friend Amber calls this a Community Funded Safety Net. Some people aren't able to contribute financially at all, especially people who are disabled. If enough folks who are able to can help with a monthly amount to help me build a safety net, I'll be more able to help others who also struggle with disability and poverty.
If you are interested in my posts about resilience and self-care, want to hear about my journey but don't have the funds to join, or wish to join at a different monthly amount, contact me below.

About ME / CFS
*The NIH definition of ME/CFS:
"Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), is a serious, chronic, complex, and systemic disease associated with neurological, immunological, autonomic, and energy metabolism dysfunction (Institute of Medicine, 2015). Individuals with ME/CFS experience a range of symptoms including significant impairment in function, post-exertional malaise, sleep impairment, cognitive issues, pain, orthostatic intolerance, flu-like symptoms, sensory intolerance, gastrointestinal and genitourinary issues. Post-exertional malaise (PEM) is the hallmark of the disease in which even trivial amounts of activity result in a prolonged exacerbation of symptoms and a further reduction in function."